participation and agency coordination are critical elements
of Project Pegasus. The process will involve individuals,
neighborhoods, community and special interest groups, agency
representatives, and policy leaders. The objective is to build
consensus for a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the
IH 30 and IH 35E corridors.
and activities will be scheduled to coincide with project
milestones. The following goals will guide the public and
agency involvement program:
- Inform,
educate, and actively involve agencies and the public.
- Create
opportunities for early and continuing community and agency
participation in the decision-making process.
Maintain accountability, credibility, and responsibility
throughout the study.
Include traditionally underserved and underrepresented groups
in the process.
Strive for consensus among inevitable competing interests.

work groups (described below) will provide input for consideration
by the project team, policy leaders, and TxDOT. The participation
of the public will guide the project development process.
TxDOT will have the final decision-making responsibility.
- Community
Work Group - The Community Work Group represents the range
of diverse interests in the study area. These persons volunteer
their time to act as liaisons between the project team and
their representative organizations, and offer input on issues
and potential solutions on behalf of their organization.
The group will have the following responsibilities: monitor
the study process from a community perspective, highlight
potential issues and concerns specific to their interest,
coordinate study activities among their groups, disseminate
information and generate study interest throughout the community,
and offer strategies to resolve issues between competing
interests. All Community Work Group meetings are open to
the public. For times and locations, click here.
- Project
Coordination Work Group - This staff-support work group
is composed of representatives from agencies and local governments
that have a role in funding, permitting, and/or planning/implementing
any proposed transportation improvements. This group will
offer policy decisions and guide the technical development
of the project, receive and assess reports on project development,
coordinate with their respective agencies, and provide oversight
of major activities associated with the project.

for active participation from the public will be provided
throughout the study.
- Public
Meetings and Hearings - Four series of Open Houses with
accompanying Public Meetings/Hearings are planned. Each
series will include two meetings, identical in content.
This will allow more opportunity to attend the meetings.
If you would like to receive a notice for the next series
of Public Meetings, go here and
sign up. You can also check the events calendar on this
- Project
Newsletter - Four editions of the Freeway Flyer newsletter
will be published to help keep people informed of the project
development, progress and the dates, time, and locations
of future public meetings. If you would like to be added
to the mailing list to receive the next newsletter, go here.
- Project
Informational Packet
- Project informational packets have been developed to help
promote and initiate awareness for the project. These packets
have been distributed to various locations along the project
such as city offices, chambers of commerce, local libraries,
and retail/office sites.
- Presentations
- The study team will make presentations to various community
organizations upon request. If you would like a presentation
about Project Pegasus, please Email
- Project
Display/Kiosk - A portable project kiosk will be on
display at public locations within the project study area
to help people remain informed about the project's existence,
purpose, need, and progress. If you would like information
about the kiosk, please click Here.

meetings for the Community work Group (CWG) are scheduled
for the third Tuesday of every other month, beginning in February
2002. CWG meetings were held on the following dates:
- February
19, 2002
- April
16, 2002
- June
18, 2002
- August
20, 2002
- October
15, 2002
- December
17, 2002
- February
18, 2003
- April
15, 2003
- June
17, 2003
- August
19, 2003
- October
28, 2003

Public Meeting Schedule – No public meetings or hearings are currently scheduled.
Public Meetings were held in November 2001, May 2002, and January 2003.
A Public Hearing was held in February 2005.